English conversation script about Promotion with vocabulary| learn English

 English conversation script about Promotion with vocabulary

English conversation script about Promotion with vocabulary
English conversation script about Promotion with vocabulary


Everyday conversation 2:  PROMOTION   

page 97

Vocabulary and/or expressions:

Tom was just promoted to a managerial position

a managerial position : managerial is the adjective of manager

he is concerned about the fact that he has never managed people before

 concerned about something: worried about 

I hope I will be able to cope with all the new responsibilities. 

Cope with : ​to deal successfully with something difficult

You are always good at coaching people.

Coaching: teaching

it will be chaos

Chaos: ​a complete lack of order 

So, fourth, you need to know how to coach, or how to counsel, or even how to discipline, right? 

Counsel: counsel somebody to listen to and give support or professional advice to somebody who needs help

Discipline:  ​discipline somebody (for something) to punish somebody for something they have done

I need to get my employees ready for changes as well as to reinforce the need for change sometimes.  

Reinforce:  reinforce something to make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger 

work hard and work well with others, be alert of changes, and last but not least, understand the values and goals of your company. 

Last but not least:  (idiom):  used when mentioning the last person or thing of a group, in order to say that they are not less important than the others 


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