6 common English words that start with the letter Q for kids


6 common English words that start with the letter Q for kids

6 common English words that start with the letter Q for kids
6 common English words that start with the letter Q for kids

It is important to learn and teach English to beginners using photos. By the end of this lesson, you'll have learned these words. These English words begin with the letter Q for kids:

  • question
  • queen
  • quick
  • queue
  • quiet
  • quit

Examples of words that start with the letter Q for kids:

Teacher Zaki, I have a question.
I am the queen.
I need to do this quick task.
Yesterday, I had to stand in a long queue trying to buy a ticket for the cinema.
Please, be quiet.
I hate this job. I want to quit.
If you know more words that start with the letter Q, write them in a comment below.



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