The Silent Way teaching method

The Silent Way teaching method
The Silent Way teaching method

The Silent Way is a language teaching method that was developed by Caleb Gattegno in the 1960s. This method emphasizes the use of self-discovery and student independence in the learning process. The teacher is expected to be silent most of the time, allowing the students to discover the language on their own.

In The Silent Way, the teacher uses physical objects, such as colored rods or Cuisenaire rods, to help students learn new vocabulary and grammar structures. The teacher may also use charts and diagrams to help students understand the language. The students are encouraged to use the language in a meaningful way, with the teacher providing minimal guidance.

One of the key principles of The Silent Way is that students should be encouraged to take an active role in their learning. The teacher is not the center of attention, but rather a facilitator of learning. Students are encouraged to work together and help each other, creating a collaborative learning environment.

Another important aspect of The Silent Way is its emphasis on pronunciation. Students are encouraged to focus on the sound of the language and to develop their own sense of correct pronunciation. The teacher provides minimal correction, allowing students to discover the language on their own.

The Silent Way has been used successfully with both adult and young learners, and it is particularly effective for improving pronunciation and listening skills. However, it is not suitable for all learners and may not be appropriate for beginners who need more structured guidance.

Overall, The Silent Way is a unique and innovative language teaching method that emphasizes student independence and self-discovery. By using physical objects and creating a collaborative learning environment, it encourages students to take an active role in their learning and develop their own sense of the language.

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