Online English Conversation Course topic: Homeless #2 with Mr.Zaki
Online English Conversation Course topic: Homeless part 2 with Mr.Zaki
June 27th,2020
American accent and phonetics, we compared today 3 sounds :
Long U /uː/ You
/oʊ/ hope
/ʊ/ put
Dialogue 3-3: What Are You Good At?
Dialogue 3-4: What’s Your Favorite Sport?
Dialogue 3-5: A Night at the Theater
Topic: Homeless
also how to play scrabble game in which you will learn a lot of vocabulary
subject + verb to be + good at + gerund
I am good at learning new languages.
They/we/you are good at talking in front of large audience.
He/she is good at running for long time.
asking for suggestion:
What do you think?
to suggest something to someone by saying:
how about + gerund...?
How about going to the cinema tonight?
Oh, yeah? We’ll see about that! “Oh, yeah?” is used in a joking way to show a bit of friendly
competition. Notice the emphasis on “that,” which refers back to “good at spelling.”
• What time is that soccer game on? means “When does the soccer game start?”
“What time” plus something plus “on” is a common expression used to ask about the
start time of a TV show or a movie.
I much prefer basketball here means “I like basketball a lot more than soccer.” Notice
how “much” is stressed to show that the speaker really likes basketball.
Oh, really? Notice the rising intonation on “really.” This shows that the speaker is
surprised. He thought that Jack liked tennis the best
I’m a big fan of basketball is a way of saying “I like basketball very much” (“to be a
fan of” is a casual expression used to describe something you really like).
• Sure thing! This is a casual expression used to mean “OK.”
Shoot some hoops means to play an informal game of basketball. This is a casual
expression used between friends.
You are welcome. Elena replies “You are welcome” in this dialogue. She could also say,
“Don’t mention it,” which is an example of downgrading. Downgrading a compliment
varies with culture. When in doubt, just say “You are welcome.”
• When getting a compliment to someone (for example: “You were such a talented
ballerina”), you can either accept the compliment (“That’s very kind of you”) or
downplay the compliment (“Oh, I wasn’t that good”).
Giving compliments in English often includes using superlatives (“the most …,” “the
best …”). This is the best musical playing on Broadway! / What’s the most entertaining
movie you’ve seen? However, compliments can also be given by using the construction
“I’m a fan of …”: I’m a fan of the arts. / I’m a big fan of theater. / I’m a huge fan of this
band. Notice the use of adjectives.
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My name is Zaki Badr.I am an online English tutor .
I am a native-like English instructor with a pure American accent.
I have been teaching English since 2011.
English teaching certificates that I got :
TESOL Certificate, Arizona State University,USA, December 2018.
,2018 Write Professional Emails in English, Georgia Institute of Technology, July 14th
• Teaching English Online given by CAMBRIDGE ASSESSMENT ENGLISH in Feb
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