What makes a good teacher? quotes from Jeremy Harmer's book

What makes a good teacher? quotes from Jeremy Harmer's book 

What makes a good teacher, quotes from Jeremy Harmer's book?
What makes a good teacher, quotes from Jeremy Harmer's book?

Teachers should make their lessons interesting so you don't fall asleep in them.
A teacher must love their job.If they really enjoy their job that will make the lessons more interesting 
 I like a teacher who has lots of knowledge,not only of his subject.
 A good teacher is an entertainer and I mean that in a positive sense,not a negative sense 
It's important that you can talk to the teacher when you have problems and you don't get along with the subject. 
A good teacher is... somebody who has an affinity with the students that they're teaching. 
A good teacher should try and draw out the quiet ones and control the more talkative ones. 
He should be able to correct people [students]  without offending them. 
A good teacher is... someone who helps rather than shouts. 
A good teacher is... someone who knows our name [the students' name]. 

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