Fantasy Short Stories--An Alien-- English short stories

 Fantasy Short Stories--An  Alien-- English short stories

Fantasy Short Stories--An  Alien-- English short stories
Fantasy Short Stories--An  Alien-- English short stories

Why reading Fantasy Short Stories? 

Fantasy Short Stories help you live a dream that might be fiction or not true. It's interesting to learn English through short stories. This English short story is suitable for children and adults. It's a small story, so enjoy reading it.

    "An  Alien" 

One day, when I was watching the TV among my family, suddenly the reporter said there were some people in the USA comprehending something wired in the sky. They had gone to the government. The detective said to them, could you describe what you are viewing?

They said they have seen strange creatures moving among the clouds.

They have not seen like that ever. It is supposed to be out of our planet.

The detective told them to relax instead of being nervous. After they became relaxed, the detective showed them some pictures. When they saw them,  they said that we saw it.

The detective said it's an alien from another planet. Finally, he advised them to go to the library and read books about space and an alien.

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